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My Favorite Books

In this section of the web site I will post some details of my favorite books. It can sometimes be difficult to know what books to buy so in this section I will let you know what my personal favorites are.

I expect that many of my web site visitors will be interested in buying books about animals. In this part of the site I will post details of some of my recommended books. I will try to discuss a variety of different books that have animals as their main theme. I hope you find my recommendations useful.

The BSAVA Manual of Exotic Pets is indispensable for vets working in general practice. I refer to it a great deal when faced with the more unusual animals which are presented to me for treatment. Many pet owners will also find it useful and interesting to read. I find that many owners of exotic pets are very keen to learn as much about them as possible. If you want very good, reliable information about these animals and you would be happy with a book which is aimed primarily at vets then this would be a useful addition to your library. Click on the image to get further information.

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I enjoyed David Attenborough's book: Life in the Undergrowth. Small creatures which we rarely even think about can be fascinating and they are part of our great natural heritage. This is a good book to dip in and out of when you have a spare moment. Click on the image to get further information.

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The Naked Ape by Desmond Morris is not a veterinary book, but looks at the human species as if we were being studied by a biologist. It is really interesting and does have some information about our interactions with other animals and how this may have developed. Click on the image to get further information.

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Through Our Eyes Only by Marian Stamp Dawkins. This is a book which examines animal consciousness. Although the vast majority of pet owners would find it absurd, many scientists debate the issue of whether animals think and are conscious. It is difficult to prove that any living creature is conscious i.e. aware of its own existence, but most people who come into regular contact with animals would find it difficult to believe that they are not aware of their situation and the very fact that they exist. I am a firm believer that animals do possess this awareness of themselves but I found it a fascinating read. It is accessible to those with little prior knowledge of the issues under discussion. Click on the image to get further information.

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Lost Boa Constrictor (5 Jun 12)
New Veterinary Practice Offers Alternative Therapies (4 Nov 08)
Watch out for Myxomatosis in Rabbits (22 Sep 07)
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Dangerous and Aggressive Dogs (27 Jan 07)
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How often should I worm my dog?
What should I feed my dog?
At what age should my kitten be vaccinated?
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How often should I worm my puppy or kitten?
Why is my cat so itchy?
What would you recommend for a child's first pet?
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All Rights Reserved | Content is provided for information only. All content on is protected by copyright and therefore may not be copied without specific written permission from the author. Disclaimer: The content of this website is based upon the opinions of Samantha Coe, unless otherwise stated. Individual articles, extracts, and any links to external sites are based upon the opinions of the respective author(s), who may retain copyright. The information on this website is not intended to replace a consultation with a qualified veterinary professional and is not intended as medical advice. The purpose of this site is the sharing of knowledge and information - Samantha Coe encourages you to make informed healthcare decisions for animals in your care based upon your research and in consultation with your vet.